

Send or receive texts from Discord via SMS.

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What Does It Do?

Simcord is tool that can be used for sending messages to and receiving messages from any Discord text channel via SMS.

What Is The Use?

It could allow you to access a discord chat without an active internet connection.

What Does It Cost?

We'll be using a generous free tier from Twilio. We'll also deploy and host it for free. You'd only pay your carrier for the SMSes you send.

# Proof Of Concept

Simcord is a serverless function that acts a webhook for incoming SMSes that come from your phone. It first parses the SMS body, then queries Discord using the Discord API and finally returns the response by sending a reply SMS to the number that sent the original SMS.

# What It Actually Is?

Simcord is a serverless function that acts a webhook for incoming SMSes that come from your phone. It first parses the SMS body, then queries Discord using the Discord API and finally returns the response by sending a reply to the phone number that sent the original SMS.

Cellphone icon made by Pixel perfect from www.flaticon.com.